Happy Hands PAT

Touch is so vitally important to our early development. As human beings we crave the touch of another human being throughout our whole life. Nowadays, people are becoming more and more reluctant to touch others when it would be appropriate and beneficial because of the fear around unwelcome or inappropriate touch. I set up Happy Hands PAT (Positive Appropriate Touch) to help teach adults and children how to apply Positive Appropriate Touch in a safe way. The additional bonus was that, in doing so, it also empowers adults and children to speak up if they find any touch (or touch generally) inappropriate.

Infant/ Baby Massage

Positive Appropriate Touch (PAT), is important for all ages. However, when used on little ones, massage needs special infant/baby-friendly application and techniques. 

I run infant and baby massage workshops in which I show new parents how to help soothe your baby when s/he is agitated, in discomfort, or simply won't drop off to sleep! 

The workshops show you how to read your babys body language and communicate with him or her through Positive Appropriate Touch – further increasing the bond you both already share. 

As baby gets older s/he will begin to engage more with the massage and will also begin to enjoy communicating with you more so in the advanced lessons we add more nursery rhymes and stories into our massages.

I teach you appropriate PAT techniques for your baby/infant and provide you with the tools to carry them out at any time. 

An added benefit is that massaging your baby is also very relaxing for you too! 

I also teach online via Zoom video call.

Story Massage

I am absolutely thrilled and delighted to announce that I am an Award-Winning Story Massage Instructor.

Children are taught ten massage strokes which can be used as part of telling stories, topical stories, social stories, nursery rhymes or even for repetitive learning such as for the weather, or for bedtime routines. Again, the moves are done over clothing on the back, by children on children, in schools and in clubs. 

I also teach story massage to individual families and to groups of families to encourage Positive Appropriate Touch (PAT) across the generations and I run courses for groups. This is a natural, next step if you have completed my Infant/Baby Massage Courses. It’s an ideal way to engage with teenagers and to maintain, or re-open communication channels with them. PAT also provides many benefits to older people who may no longer receive comforting, physical contact as part of their daily lives.

I also teach online via Zoom video call.

Massage In Schools Program

I offer instruction to pupils in primary schools and pre-schools for a peer massage through clothing on their backs. The 15 minute set routine includes named moves which the children learn. I generally teach that adults (teachers, teaching assistants etc.) don't work with pupils in this way within the school environment unless there are special exceptions (e.g. due to Special Education Needs with prior parental consent etc.).

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